Program usage¶
The program entry point is the script called pgxn.
pgxn [--help] [--version] COMMAND [--mirror URL] [--verbose] [--yes] ...
The script offers several commands, whose list can be obtained using pgxn
. The options available for each subcommand can be obtained using
pgxn COMMAND --help
The main commands you may be interested in are install (to download, build and install an extension distribution into the system) and load (to load an installed extension into a database). Commands to perform reverse operations are uninstall and unload. Use download to get a package from a mirror without installing it.
There are also informative commands: search is used to search the network, info to get information about a distribution. The mirror command can be used to get a list of mirrors.
A few options are available to all the commands:
--mirror URL
- Select a mirror to interact with. If not specified the default is
. --verbose
- Print more information during the process.
- Assume affirmative answer to all questions. Useful for unattended scripts.
Package specification¶
Many commands such as install require a package specification to operate.
In its simple form the specification is just the name of a distribution:
pgxn install foo
means “install the most recent stable release of the
distribution”. If a distribution with given name is not found, many
commands will look for an extension with the given name, and will work on
The specification allows specifying an operator and a version number, so that
pgxn install 'foo<2.0'
will install the most recent stable release of the
distribution before the release 2.0. The version numbers are ordered according to
the Semantic Versioning specification. Supported
operators are =
, ==
(alias for =
), <
, <=
, >
, >=
Note that you probably need to quote the string as in the example to avoid
invoking shell command redirection.
Whenever a command takes a specification in input, it also accepts options
, --testing
and --unstable
to specify the minimum release
status accepted. The default is “stable”.
A few commands also allow specifying a local archive or local directory
containing a distribution: in this case the specification should contain at
least a path separator to disambiguate it from a distribution name (for
instance pgxn install ./
) or it should be specified as an URL with
A few commands also allow specifying a remote package with a URL. Currently
the schemas http://
and https://
are supported.
Currently the client supports .zip
and .tar
archives (eventually with
gzip and bz2 compression).
pgxn install
Download, build, and install a distribution on the local system.
pgxn install [--help] [--stable | --testing | --unstable] [--pg_config PROG] [--make PROG] [--sudo [PROG] | --nosudo] SPEC
The program takes a package specification identifying the distribution to work with. The download phase is skipped if the distribution specification refers to a local directory or package. The package may be specified with an URL.
Note that the built extension is not loaded in any database: use the command load for this purpose.
The command will run the configure
script if available in the package,
then will perform make all
and make install
. It is assumed that the
provided by the distribution uses PGXS to build the extension,
but this is not enforced: you may provide any Makefile as long as the expected
commands are implemented.
If there are many PostgreSQL installations on the system, the extension will
be built and installed against the instance whose pg_config is
first found on the PATH
. A different instance can be specified using
the option --pg_config PATH
The PGXS build system relies on a presence of GNU Make: in many systems
it is installed as gmake or make executable. The program
will use the first of them on the path. You can specify an alternative program
using --make
If the extension is being installed into a system PostgreSQL installation, the
install phase will likely require root privileges to be performed. In this
case either run the command under sudo or specify the --sudo
option: in the latter case sudo will only be invoked during the
“install” phase. An optional program PROG
to elevate the user
privileges can be specified as --sudo
option; if none is specified,
sudo will be used.
If --sudo
is the last option and no PROG
is specified, a
separator may be required to disambiguate the SPEC
pgxn install --sudo -- foobar
pgxn check
Run a distribution’s unit test.
pgxn check [--help] [--stable | --testing | --unstable] [--pg_config PROG] [--make PROG] [-d DBNAME] [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-U NAME] SPEC
The command takes a package specification identifying the distribution to
work with, which can also be a local file or directory or an URL. The
distribution is unpacked if required and the installcheck
make target is
The command doesn’t run make all
before installcheck
: if any file
required for testing is to be built, it should be listed as
prerequisite in the Makefile
, for instance:
installcheck: myext.sql
The script exits with non-zero value in case of test failed. In this case,
if files regression.diff
and regression.out
are produced (as
pg_regress does), these files are copied to the local directory
where the script is run.
The database connection options are similar to the ones in load, with the
difference that the variable PGDATABASE
doesn’t influence the
database name.
See the install command for details about the command arguments.
At the time of writing, pg_regress on Debian and derivatives is affected by bug #554166 which makes HOST selection impossible.
pgxn uninstall
Remove a distribution from the system.
pgxn uninstall [--help] [--stable | --testing | --unstable] [--pg_config PROG] [--make PROG] [--sudo [PROG] | --nosudo] SPEC
The command does the opposite of the install command, removing a distribution’s files from the system. It doesn’t issue any command to the databases where the distribution’s extensions may have been loaded: you should first drop the extension (the unload command can do this).
The distribution should match what installed via the install command.
See the install command for details about the command arguments.
pgxn load
Load the extensions included in a distribution into a database. The distribution must be already installed in the system, e.g. via the install command.
pgxn load [--help] [--stable | --testing | --unstable] [-d DBNAME] [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-U NAME] [--pg_config PATH] [--schema SCHEMA] SPEC [EXT [EXT ...]]
The distribution is specified according to the package specification and
can refer to a local directory or file or to an URL. No consistency check is
performed between the packages specified in the install
and load
command: the specifications should refer to compatible packages. The specified
distribution is only used to read the metadata: only installed files are
actually used to issue database commands.
The database to install into can be specified using options
, -h
, -p
. The default values for these parameters are the regular
system ones and can be also set using environment variables
The command supports also a --pg_config
option that can be used to specify
an alternative pg_config to use to look for installation scripts:
you may need to specify the parameter if there are many PostgreSQL
installations on the system, and should be consistent to the one specified
in the install
If the specified database version is at least PostgreSQL 9.1, and if the
extension specifies a .control
file, it will be loaded using the CREATE
EXTENSION command, otherwise it will be loaded as a loose set of objects.
For more information see the extensions documentation.
The command is based on the ‘provides’ section of the distribution’s
: if a SQL file is specified, that file will be used to load the
extension. Note that loading is only attempted if the file extension is
: if it’s not, we assume that the extension is not really a PostgreSQL
extension (it may be for instance a script). If no file
is specified, a
file named extension.sql
will be looked for in a few directories
under the PostgreSQL shared
directory and it will be loaded after an user
If the distribution provides more than one extension, the extensions are
loaded in the order in which they are specified in the provides
section of
the META.json
file. It is also possible to load only a few of the
extensions provided, specifying them after SPEC: the extensions will be
loaded in the order specified.
If a SCHEMA is specified, the extensions are loaded in the provided schema.
is used, the schema is directly supported;
otherwise the .sql
script loaded will be patched to create the objects in
the provided schema (a confirmation will be asked before attempting loading).
pgxn unload
Unload a distribution’s extensions from a database.
pgxn unload [--help] [--stable | --testing | --unstable] [-d DBNAME] [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-U NAME] [--pg_config PATH] [--schema SCHEMA] SPEC [EXT [EXT ...]]
The command does the opposite of the load command: it drops a distribution extensions from the specified database, either issuing DROP EXTENSION commands or running uninstall scripts eventually provided.
For every extension specified in the ‘provides’ section of the
distribution META.json
, the command will look for a file called
where file.sql
is the file
specified. If no file is specified, extension.sql
is assumed. If
a file with extension different from .sql
is specified, it is
assumed that the extension is not a PostgreSQL extension so unload is not
If a SCHEMA is specified, the uninstall script will be patched to drop the
objects in the selected schema. However, if the extension was loaded via
, the server will be able to figure out the correct schema
itself, so the option will be ignored.
If the distribution specifies more than one extension, they are unloaded in
reverse order respect to the order in which they are specified in the
file. It is also possible to unload only a few of the
extensions provided, specifying them after SPEC: the extensions will be
unloaded in the order specified.
See the load command for details about the command arguments.
pgxn download
Download a distribution from the network.
pgxn download [--help] [--stable | --testing | --unstable] [--target PATH] SPEC
The distribution is specified according to the package specification and
can be represented by an URL. The file is saved in the current directory with
name usually
. If a file with the same
name exists, a suffix -1
, -2
etc. is added to the name, before the
extension. A different directory or name can be specified using the
pgxn search
Search in the extensions available on PGXN.
pgxn search [--help] [--dist | --ext | --docs] TERM [TERM ...]
The command prints on stdout
a list of packages and version matching
. By default the search is performed in the documentation:
alternatively the distributions (using the --dist
option) or the
extensions (using the --ext
option) can be searched.
$ pgxn search --dist integer
tinyint 0.1.1
Traditionally, PostgreSQL core has a policy not to have 1 byte *integer*
in it. With this module, you can define 1 byte *integer* column on your
tables, which will help query performances and...
check_updates 1.0.0
... test2 defined as: CREATE TABLE test2(a *INTEGER*, b *INTEGER*, c
*INTEGER*, d *INTEGER*); To make a trigger allowing updates only when c
becomes equal to 5: CREATE TRIGGER c_should_be_5 BEFORE UPDATE ON...
ssn 1.0.0
INSERT INTO test VALUES('124659876'); The output is always represented
using the format with dashes, i.e: 123-45-6789 124-65-9876 Internals:
The type is stored as a 4 bytes *integer*.
The search will return all the matches containing any of TERM. In order to search for items containing more than one word, join the word into a single token. For instance to search for items containing the terms “double precision” or the terms “floating point” use:
$ pgxn search "double precision" "floating point"
semver 0.2.2
... to semver semver(12.0::real) 12.0.0semver(*double precision*) Cast
*double precision* to semver semver(9.2::*double precision*)
9.2.0semver(integer) Cast integer to semver semver(42::integer)...
saio 0.0.1
Defaults to true. saio_seed A *floating point* seed for the random
numbers generator. saio_equilibrium_factor Scaling factor for the query
size, determining the number of loops before equilibrium is...
pgTAP 0.25.0
... ) casts_are( casts[] ) SELECT casts_are( ARRAY[ 'integer AS *double
precision*', 'integer AS reltime', 'integer AS numeric', -- ...
pgxn info
Print information about a distribution obtained from PGXN.
pgxn info [--help] [--stable | --testing | --unstable] [--details | --meta | --readme | --versions] SPEC
The distribution is specified according to the package specification. It
cannot be a local dir or file nor an URL. The command output is a list of
values obtained by the distribution’s META.json
file, for example:
$ pgxn info pair
name: pair
abstract: A key/value pair data type
description: This library contains a single PostgreSQL extension,
a key/value pair data type called “pair”, along with a convenience
function for constructing key/value pairs.
maintainer: David E. Wheeler <>
license: postgresql
release_status: stable
version: 0.1.2
date: 2011-04-20T23:47:22Z
sha1: 9988d7adb056b11f8576db44cca30f88a08bd652
provides: pair: 0.1.2
Alternatively the raw META.json
(using the --meta
option) or the
distribution README (using the --readme
option) can be obtained.
Using the --versions
option, the command prints a list of available
versions for the specified distribution, together with their release status.
Only distributions respecting SPEC
and the eventually specified
release status options are printed, for example:
$ pgxn info --versions 'pair<0.1.2'
pair 0.1.1 stable
pair 0.1.0 stable
pgxn mirror
Return information about the available mirrors.
pgxn mirror [--help] [--detailed] [URI]
If no URI
is specified, print a list of known mirror URIs. Otherwise
print details about the specified mirror. It is also possible to print details
for all the known mirrors using the --detailed
pgxn help
Display help and other program information.
pgxn help [--help] [--all | --libexec | CMD]
Without options show the same information obtained by pgxn --help
, which
includes a list of builtin commands. With the --all
option print the
complete list of commands installed in the system.
The option --libexec
prints the full path of the directory containing
the external commands scripts: see Extending PGXN client for more information.
pgxn help CMD
is an alias for pgxn CMD --help